Hi All – great news from Waterloo Tea
From Monday we have been asked to supply the NHS staff working on Heath Hospital campus with Food and Drink. This will operate from the Sports and Social club. We will be serving this for free. They are closing two of the cafes on site, so only Y Cegin will be open. We hope to be providing nutritious meals and delicious drinks, as well as sweet treats.
We have also been asked to coordinate with those wanting to donate food and drink to the hospital so that it is done in a structured way. Unscheduled food drop offs, as generous as they are ,can : go to waste, be delivered to the wrong place, cause strain on workers who down tools to get the food. Heath campus will soon be locked down (thinking Monday) so only registered vehicles will be allowed on. Once we have food on site, if it isn’t used from the cafe area – the staff will distribute to the wards that need it.