Just to reiterate Caryl’s post, as of today the MERIT intubation room in Llandough has moved from ITU to East 3. It’s bed 7, which is almost at the back of the ward. The equipment is the same as the old intubation room. There’s a trolley with ITU drugs with a keypad to unlock ( in keeping with traditional NHS security the code is written next to the keypad ). There’s a fridge and locked cabinet for CDs, ODP has the keys. Portable kit ( if you have to go to another ward) is no longer in yellow theatre- it’s also moved to E3. Doning area is also no longer in yellow theatre - it’s in day unit recovery.
2222 gets you into the ward - the keypad is something else ( which I didn’t commit to memory as someone had helpfully put next to the keypad)
(Thanks Aled!)